This song opens with a snare/kick/cymbal fill before settling into a solid in-the-pocket backbeat. The snare is tight and crisp, and the kick is punchy and sits well in the dynamics of the song. At 00:28 Read more...
Style: Rock | Time signature: 4/4 |
BPM: 94 | Decade: Current |
Length: 4:11 | Drummer: BeatMaster |
indie, cool, hit, punchy kick, crisp snare, tight snare, hi-hat, crash cymbal, natural reverb, dynamic
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
This song opens with a snare/kick/cymbal fill before settling into a solid in-the-pocket backbeat. The snare is tight and crisp, and the kick is punchy and sits well in the dynamics of the song. At 00:28 the song breaks down to the second part, featuring only the snare, and then builds back into the first part over the next 30 seconds, adding the tom and kick until a cymbal crash returns it to the first part. The song continues back and forth between the two parts, adding some nice toms/snare variations during the transitions. About halfway through the piece it breaks down to a rest, comes back in and rests again, and then we're back into it until the big finish. Loads of room to breathe here-- a simple, rock-solid groove.
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