The opening groove of this drum beat is a snare and tom pattern, with tom hits on the one and the "and" of two, with the snare on two and four. As the beat plods on, more tom hits are added to the pattern. Oc Read more...
Style: Rock | Time signature: 4/4 |
BPM: 124 | Decade: Current |
Length: 3:29 | Drummer: BeatMaster |
rock, alternative rock, pop, pop/rock, hard rock, heavy metal, heavy, hard, plodding, midtempo
The opening groove of this drum beat is a snare and tom pattern, with tom hits on the one and the "and" of two, with the snare on two and four. As the beat plods on, more tom hits are added to the pattern. Occasionally a crash or small fill can be heard. About 1:40, the tom becomes a steady timekeeper in addition to some decorative embellishments. Eventually, the beat is stripped down to just the snare and kick for a while before the toms return in their original form. They then start playing eighth notes again until the end of the drum track.
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